New Service Enquiry Your Name *(required) Your Email *(required) Your telephone number *(required) Post Code Please confirm details of the professional services you are enquiring about? Prof services *(required) Managing AgentCompany SecretaryProject ManagementOther Your Property Details Please provide the full property address your service enquiry relates to? How many flats or houses are there in the property? Flats Houses Please select your property category from the following :- Purpose builtConversionOther How many floors or storey heights are there in the property. Please state the maximum height excluding basement and plant room levels? 1-45-67 or more Is your property currently self managed or do you employ an agent? Managing agentSelf managedOther What is the name of the company or person who will employ your proposed new agent? Does this company or person own the freehold? YesNoUnknown Please provide any further information you may consider would help us more fully understand your needs when preparing our fee proposal. Should you wish to include a file with your request please do so here Please read our Privacy Policy before submitting. View Larger Map